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Men'S Body Slimming Under-Shirt

Men'S Body Slimming Under-Shirt

US$ 29.69
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  • Detail

    This revolutionary new body shaping product, designed specifically for MEN, to give a Firm, Slimmer, and more Desirable look, is a must for all Men!!

    Make your clothes fit better !! Increase your confidence with a reduction of up to 2 waist sizes, as well as improved posture and a more defined upper body.

    Engineered design to Support Back and Improve Posture

    Our Slimming Vests are fitted with a specific body-hugging, engineered spandex structure to the back, this acts support the back and give a strong and straight look. This X brace design not only supports the upper back but however also improves posture

    12 structured pads, ensure a slim & firm look
    The Front of the vest contains 12 Engineered spandex structures, which hug, form, and shape the front of the stomach area forming a desirable firm and flat surface. This gives the user an athletic, flat, and slim look, and can reduce waist size by up to 2 Sizes!! The upper area also shapes the top of the chest giving a shapely and firm front look, removing signs of "manboobs"

    Engineered sides, give shape to the upper body for a slim fit and tailored clothing
    The Sides of the vest are engineered to hold in and form the love handle area's giving a slender and formed look, not only does the user look athletic and firm, but he will find his clothes also fit better, especially with slim fit or tailored fitted shirts

    Maximum Comfort, Manoeuvrability and Ventilation by design
    The Neck and the arms of the vest are designed to give good ventilation and with the low neckline, meaning it can be worn under nearly every garment, such as shirts, tee-shirts, polos, etc..

    The extra ventilation is also to ensure the vest can be worn in all weathers, without the wearer getting hot and sweaty

    The Nylon + Spandex engineered combination, ensure comfort and Maneuverability as well as figure-shaping, further, nobody will realize you are wearing one!



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