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Food Vacuum Sealer Machine

Food Vacuum Sealer Machine

US$ 39.59
Orange Green Black Blue
Customized Requirements
  • Detail
    • Product Name: Food Vacuum Sealer Machine
    • Item NO.: 6560124797062
    • Weight: 0.1 kg = 0.2205 lb = 3.5274 oz
    • Category: Unknown
    • Tag: mar18
    • Brand: SpiritCos
    • Creation Time: 2021-09-10

    Keep foods fresh longer, by keeping air out! 

    Nothing makes food spoil faster than exposing it to air. In a very short amount of time, the oxygen and moisture present in air, will cause food to deteriorate, and lose its flavor, as well as its nutritional value. Vacuum sealing your leftovers will ensure that they're kept fresh and taste just as delicious as they did the day they were prepared!

    This Food Vacuum Sealer Machine is super-easy to use! 


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Food Vacuum Sealer Machine
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